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Regenerative Restorative Dentistry: The Quest to “Heal and Seal” Damaged Tooth Structure 
Presenter: Dr. John Comisi Release Date: 9/29/16
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study Expiration Date: 9/29/28
AGD Subject Code: 161 Reviewed: 2025        

For years the dental profession has been struggling with providing effective long-term preventive and direct restorative solutions for our patients. The evidence is mounting that we may have been "barking up the wrong tree" in our efforts. Many "bioactive" materials have been introduced and there is a real need for the dental care provider to understand how to use these current materials, why they are important in patient care now and to be prepared for future developments.

During this CE webinar, the student will
• Explore the remin-demin process of the oral cavity, caries progression and what we need to positively influence the health of the oral cavity
• Review the current state of the dental restorative process: why they succeed and why they fail
• Gain a true understanding of the current definition of bioactivity and the materials and mechanisms that can help you and our patients in daily dental care   ( disclaimer , AGD PACE Statement )

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